Friday, February 28, 2020

Theoretical Criminology Mid-Term Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Theoretical Criminology Mid-Term - Assignment Example It is, however, worth noting that these ideas about natural reality were not scientific, but rather based on mere observation of nature (Cullen & Agnew, 2006). Good and evil were thought to exist in the natural world. It is worth noting that the developments of legal definitions as well as the treatments of crime are founded on the attempts to understand the natural explanations for crime in the physical world. Under the spiritual explanations of crime, the feudal lords in Europe during the middle age designed ways, which they thought the guilt or innocence of an individual could be indicated. One of such methods included trial by battle. In this method, the victim or a family member of the victim would fight with the offender or a family member of the offender. It was believed that God gave victory to the innocent party. Trial by ordeal was introduced in which the accused person was subjected to a painful and difficult situation (Tierney, 2006). The guilty party would die with pain and agony while (through God’s protection) the innocent party would go through such an ordeal unharmed. The aforementioned method was replaced by compurgation a method that involved the accused calling twelve individuals who were reputable in the society who would then swear that the accused person is not guilty. The idea of prison today emerged from the earlier concept of isolating the criminals in cell s where some were subjected to manual labor while others were given the bible to read (Tierney, 2006). The natural explanations for crime generally use events as well as objects found in the world for purposes of explanation what ensues. The divine sanction of the law in the traditional society provided a justification of natural explanations for crime. It is due to this that the rule of kings became natural law, as it was considered to be by divine right. The material and physical world are still used by social scientists in the modern society to seek natural explanations of

Wednesday, February 12, 2020


TO BE READ DEMOGRAPHIC AND DISAPPEARING MERCHANDISE - Article Example The main contributors to the major losses experienced by retail organizations through shrinkage include shoplifting and employee theft, which is mostly rampant among the young workers (Avery, McKay & Hunter, 2012). Methods Data used in this research was obtained from the annual employee survey in the United States (Avery, McKay & Hunter, 2010). However, workers from stores with over 50 employees participated for generality purposes. The method was appropriate because it shunned individualism which might have led to victimization. However, most of the findings comprised the female subjects representing 83.7% of the total number of all the study’s participants. In addition, the study did not include other industries and firms; hence it never attained the highest generalization aspect. The entire study proved very sensible as the findings were from retail workers coming from 726 company stores (Avery, McKay & Hunter 2010). Suppose it is necessary, one is capable of conducting the entire study again because its data emanated from annual employee survey (Avery, McKay & Hunter, 2012). In addition, researchers incorporated the human resource department with the intention of ensuring high accuracy in their findings (Avery, McKay & Hunter 2010). ... These changes in their personality and ethical development, older employees are therefore less prone to shrinkage related behaviors but tend to blow whistle whenever they sense fraud or theft cases (Avery, McKay & Hunter, 2012). Therefore, stores with higher employee mean age tend to have lower shrinkage cases because proper ethical behaviors exhibited by older employees foster collective honest attitudes in the entire workforce. The evidence provided by the author appears reliable. This is because age composition in many retail shops most of them prefer employing older employees than younger ones. However, the evidence does not provide core reason behind the influence of younger workers’ attitudes by older workers. According to Guerin, businesses incur great losses annually due to shrinkage cases resulting from shoplifting and employees’ theft. In addition, study cites 66% of the retail shoplifting employees opts to steal if they see their colleagues stealing successfu lly (Guerin, 2010). The study also cites 13% of the same category prefers stealing from the business regardless of the consequences (Guerin, 2010). Avery, McKay & Hunter argue suppose retail staffs pay attention to customers with the intention of preventing them from stealing and encourage employees to adhere to the specified code of conducts, they will significantly reduce shrinkages in the business. This is via actively moving around the store, proper positioning and reporting any wrongdoing to the administration (Avery, McKay & Hunter, 2012). Contribution to the Literature Variety of factors tends to influence the rate of shrinkages evident in retail organizations, for instance, nature