Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Security Threats in Cloud Computing and Preventive Methods for Computi

Question: Discuss about theSecurity Threats in Cloud Computing and Preventive Methods for Cloud Computing. Answer: Abstract Cloud Computing is new kind of technology which has gathered more attention in last few years. Due to extensive use of cloud computing various security issues in cloud has come into picture. Cloud computing is a new kind of method for delivery of information and services by making use of existing technology (Rittinghouse Ransome, 2016). It makes use of internet for establishment of communication between client and server side application. Cloud service provider (CSP) generally provides a platform which can be used for customer for creating and using of web services. It can be compared much similar like internet service provider for accessing internet. CSPs and ISP both offer various kinds of services related to internet. Cloud provides a proper layer of abstraction between resources and level of architecture (Ali, Khan Vasilakos, 2015). IaaS generally offer their customer some of the unlimited services like computing, network and capacity of storage. There are many kind of security issues in cloud computing like data breach, hijacking of accounts, threats from inside, injection of malware, abuse use of cloud services, insecure kind of API, Denial of Service of Attacks, shared vulnerabilities and lastly loss of data (Hashem et al. 2015). There are large number of ways for compromising of data like deletion or alternation of various kinds of records without backup of original content. Threat to malicious insider is considered to be a well-known to large number of organization. This threat is generally amplified for consumers of cloud service by convergence of IT services and customers under the single domain. Hijacking of account or service is not a new thing (Chang, Kuo Ramachandran, 2016). If an attackers gain access to credentials of an individual, then it can easily manipulate data, keep track of various transaction. This area has been selected for research because cloud computing can bring a lot of advantages to business like reduction of cost, automation and provides mobility. References Ali, M., Khan, S. U., Vasilakos, A. V. (2015). Security in cloud computing: Opportunities and challenges.Information sciences,305, 357-383. Chang, V., Kuo, Y. H., Ramachandran, M. (2016). Cloud computing adoption framework: A security framework for business clouds.Future Generation Computer Systems,57, 24-41. Hashem, I. A. T., Yaqoob, I., Anuar, N. B., Mokhtar, S., Gani, A., Khan, S. U. (2015). The rise of big data on cloud computing: Review and open research issues.Information Systems,47, 98-115. Rittinghouse, J. W., Ransome, J. F. (2016).Cloud computing: implementation, management, and security. CRC press.

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